Jiangzhong Hougu Breakfast Rice Cereal 15 Packs - Black Sesame 江中猴姑早餐米稀黑芝麻味15天装
$15.83 $25.86

【食用便捷】冲调简单,几分钟美味养胃早餐就完成了。更有杯装米稀,携带方便。Takes a few minutes to prepare. Simply add hot water and follow the instructions. Travel pack is also available.【口感细腻】采用婴儿米糊制作工艺,易于肠胃吸收. Made by the same technology to produce baby rice cereal, easy to digest.【美味百搭】几十种花式吃法、甜咸皆宜。 Pair with other food at your choice to add diversity and different taste.【经典配方、上等食材】源自宋代经典养胃名方参苓白术散,取药食同源,既有养的功效又有食物的美味。Originated from the highly regarded ancient Chinese herbal remedy
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