Espoma Organic Orchid! 8-Ounce Concentrated Plant Food – Plant Fertilizer and Bloom Booster for All Orchids and Bromeliads. Ideal for Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, and Other Types of Orchids. Pack of 2
$16.05 $31.99

ORGANIC PLANT FOOD: This liquid fertilizer for Orchids provides organic nutrients to ensure superior results and is safe to use around kids and petsEASY: Simply add ½ cap of Orchid! plant food liquid per quart of water and water your plants. Thoroughly drench the soil of the plant. For best results use every 2-4 weeksCONTAINS: Essential plant nutrients to help plants thrive. Liquid plant food is a vital part of Orchid care, for plants both large & small. See label for all ingredientsFAST RESULTS: Espoma Organic Orchid! fertilizer will help you grow vibrant, larger plants while encouraging new growth & bloomsMADE IN THE USA: Product of the Espoma Company. The leader in natural organics since 1929You will receive 2 (8 oz) bottles per order
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